I’m often asked at the mojo training workshops I run about the smartphone camera app features and what they do. Here’s an article on a bunch of basic features of the onboard camera app, some that are sometimes hidden…but you knew that. How to Take Better Images on Your Smartphone
Author Archive | Ivo Burum
Editing Stories on a Smartphone
Here is an article that discusses basic aspects and apps for Editing Stories on a Smartphone
Recording Audio on a Smartphone
Sound is often the second cousin and we don’t think about it soon or often enough when we record stories. Here is an article on Recording Audio on a Smartphone.
Edit App Features
THis document is a work in progress that outlines some of the main features of iMovie, Kinemaster iOS and Luma Fusion. Edit App Features
John Marsden Defamation case Article
Use this article to develop a current affairs story. Concentrate on Story, Characters (interviewees), Structure, what you will film (actuality, archive, interview grabs) The passion of John Marsden
Producer Roles Overview
This document describes a number of producer titles and what they do. Click on the link. The Producer Chart
DIY Wireless Microphone
Good radio mics are expensive and cheap ones are just that. If you have an old iPhone lying about (who doesn’t) and a $60 Smart Lav + (or any other lapel mic) here’s how you can use it to create a wireless mic that will work even if you are hundreds of meters from the […]
Mojo Tips for Participants
Here is a list of main points and a set of mojo tips. Go Mojo… (Press Read More for Link) Mojo Course Checklist 2017
The Manfrotto LUMIE Muse series of smartphone and DSLR lights are terrific. Here is a first look at the 8 led version. I found it a little too bright for standups even on the first of four power setting and had to use two of its three filters to reduce the light level. Outside it was […]
UNBOXED: Exo Lens Pro for iPhone 7
Here is afirst look at the samller EXO LENS Pro for iPhone 7. Unlike its bigger brother this version of the Zeiss lensed iPhone lens attachement is probably more useable, because it’s small enough to carry in your pocket. It retains the cold shoe from the bigger version. Here is the video UBOXED: Exo Lens Pro